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Reality versus Emotions in Italian Journalism

by Francesca Rizzuto

pp. 228-245 Issue 12 (6,2) – July-December 2019 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI: 2.13


Italian infotainment, with the recent shift “from information to sensation” has made the question of the ethical dimension of newsmedia even more problematic, showing unforeseen consequences of the show perspective in newscoverage. In the paper the theme of social responsibility of the journalistic media is presented in connection with the recent changes of the digital media and their blurring of real and fiction, as well as of languages and narrative styles. A critical perspective of the “Italian declination” of show-journalism will focus on the relationship between vision of the sufferings offered to distracted viewers of planetary audiences and their concrete possibilities of a consequent action.


News, effects, Italy, reality, journalistic profession
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